Ep. 6 Maintaining Motivation and Consistency in Fitness with Trainer Bec Gibbs

In this episode Bec Gibbs, a personal trainer, discusses the importance of fitness and confidence for women. She shares her own journey of building confidence through fitness and how it inspired her to help other women. Bec emphasises the positive impact of exercise on mindset and body image. She also addresses common misconceptions about strength training and protein intake. Bec provides practical advice on incorporating exercise into daily life, including the benefits of walking, the importance of pre- and post-workout nutrition, and the role of sleep in maintaining a consistent workout routine. She highlights the significance of finding a balance between different forms of exercise and the power of having a trainer for motivation and accountability.

Episode highlights include:

00:00 Introduction and Mission

05:12 Becoming a Personal Trainer and Following Passion

08:59 The Benefits of Strength Training for Women

10:43 The Role of Protein in Energy and Weight Loss

15:48 Tips for Losing Those Stubborn Kilos

21:55 Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition

24:10 Balancing Sleep and Exercise

27:22 Finding the Right Workout Routine

30:13 Maintaining Motivation and Consistency

34:17 The Emotional and Mental Benefits of Exercise

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Ash Butterss (00:01.586)

In the studio today we have Beck Gibbs! Beck, it is so nice to see you again. How are you, my love?

Bec Gibbs (00:08.34)

I'm actually so excited to be here. I feel like it's been a while since I've done a podcast and I can't think of anyone else better or I'd rather do it with, so I'm excited for it.

Ash Butterss (00:16.818)

you're so sweet. Bless you. Thank you so much. So I want to kick it straight off with letting our audience know who are you and what are you here for? What's your mission, Beck?

Bec Gibbs (00:30.068)

I feel for me, I lacked heaps of confidence, especially in my teenage years. And I felt like I didn't really fit in into the normal of like the cool kids, but you know, I wasn't on the other side either. And for me, I found that really working on my, well going to the gym and getting fit and my fitness was a really big priority from like a sporting background. And I did notice a difference when I really got into my

my fitness of how it just improved my mood. It just made me so much more confident with being my own person as well. And I do feel like as women, we do lack confidence in some areas and how we feel about ourselves and we are the biggest, we judge ourselves so much. And I feel like there's nothing better than doing a workout, how it can totally shift your mindset and make you feel good about yourself. So I feel like my

Ash Butterss (01:16.018)


Ash Butterss (01:21.65)

Mm -hmm.

Bec Gibbs (01:29.83)

mission is I know how good it feels to work out and I want everyone else to feel the same. So that's my role is I just want to have every single woman I speak to or just change their lives to make them feel good.

Ash Butterss (01:36.818)


Ash Butterss (01:44.978)

What a beautiful mission to have and you are absolutely 100 % doing that. So just so people are aware, we first met each other at the start of this year, 2024, when I reached out to Beck through a referral from someone else, which is always the way I feel like when you're looking for a trainer or a nutritionist or any sort of like specialized areas for me. Anyway, I always go through a referral.

And so somebody referred you and then we started chatting on Instagram and hit it off straight away. And then I signed up to work with you one -on -one. And I have to say, Bec, the results that we were able to achieve together were the best results that I've ever had in any sort of training program. We worked together for, my goodness, was it? I think we signed up for eight and then did another eight maybe, but it was the lead up to my Ted Talk. So I had, yeah, I had that real,

Bec Gibbs (02:37.428)


Ash Butterss (02:40.818)

goal, that focus, that thing that I was working towards. And I was so, so happy with the results. Not only did I feel and look the best I ever had, but it was easy. And what I mean by that is it wasn't, I wasn't starving myself. I think every single time I've gone to lose weight in the past, and I've been dieting since I was 14,

you know, it would always involve restriction. And I remember I'd be tracking my food and you'd even say to me like, why aren't you eating? And I would still be in that sort of restrictive mentality. And so actually seeing for the first time that not only could I eat regularly, but that for instance, carbs weren't the devil and I could still have my sweet treat at the end of the night. Like it just totally blew my mind and showed me something that I didn't think was possible.

Bec Gibbs (03:06.068)


Ash Butterss (03:33.458)

which was you can eat consistently, you can enjoy food and you can still be in the best shape of your life. So I mean, I am a huge fan and we're about to sign up for another one -on -one training session when I get back from Bali in a few weeks, which I can't wait for, because I'm just, I'm ready for another little kick up the bum. But I'd love to know, when did you start working with clients? What drew you to want to actually work in the space of transforming women's lives?

Bec Gibbs (04:00.02)

So I first became a qualified PT when I was 18. So back in the day I was a tennis player, I had a really bad shoulder injury. That's why I started going to the gym and I just saw the trainers there and I was like, I want to be a trainer. I feel like their jobs, like they're actually changing people's lives and you know, back to me how I felt. And I was like, I want to be one of those people. So I did my cert three, four whilst doing my VCE or my high school.

education. So that was 22 years ago. But my parents, they wanted me to be happy but they felt like I...

Ash Butterss (04:32.147)


Bec Gibbs (04:41.364)

could give more. So I did an accounting degree and on the side I was working as a personal trainer. Ended up going into sort of the banking industry and I tried so hard for 10, 12 years to balance both. But my heart was at the gym and that was my happy place. And I just loved seeing results. And I loved helping people in the gym. So I guess I've been doing it for 22 years. And then really

just thought I'm just gonna go for it and do it full -time follow my passion and then I just I'm I feel like you know you have this thing about your job is it's a job so it's not supposed to be fun and I almost felt guilty that I was so obsessed with my job and helping people and how that made me feel that it didn't feel like a real job

But I'm so I'm so I like so blessed. So I feel like 22 people 22 years and I can't even tell you how many clients I've had across that time. So yeah, it's a long time.

Ash Butterss (05:45.491)

it would be thousands upon thousands, wouldn't it? Because you're also somebody who's really successfully transitioned into online coaching. And I'd love to talk about that for a moment because to be honest, when we were first talking, I was a little bit hesitant to do online coaching. I was thinking to myself, how am I gonna get the results? I had just always assumed that, you know, to really train hard, I needed to have a PT with me at the gym.

and I wasn't super confident about navigating my way around the gym or using particular weights. So I'd love for you to explain to everyone who's listening here today, how do you actually coach people online and get such amazing results at the same time?

Bec Gibbs (06:29.94)

Well, I think for me, coaching online I actually prefer to do compared to face to face. I do now have come to the point that I build such a strong bond with my clients online that I actually am a much better online trainer coach. I feel like to so many more people than what I could do face to face.

It's like the early morning messages that I want to send my clients just to check in. I generally want to make sure that they start their day right. You know, I like, it gives me a chance to sit there, make adjustments. We can have real conversations. And I do find that within the 30, 45, 60 minutes that you have with a face -to -face client, you do get to know them, but not as much as having constant conversations all the time. And with the app that I use, as you would know, I kind of know

everything that the client is doing as well. So there's no secrets. We can't just walk into a session after having a big night before and I wouldn't know what was going on online. I know everything that everyone is doing on their fitness journey. So I feel like I'm much more covered over it. I am a bit of a control freak, but I feel it's just, I personally feel like I have a stronger bond with my online clients.

Ash Butterss (07:23.826)


Ash Butterss (07:46.93)

Hmm. There's something really powerful for me. It was anyway about having that daily check in with you and actually the accountability that came with that I found to be really, really helpful as well. And then on those days when perhaps I wasn't feeling as motivated or I was finding that there was a challenge that continued to come up. Like for me, a lot of the time it was not having enough time and you would give me these really amazing little tweaks and things that I could do.

that were very reactive to what was going on at any one given time. So it wasn't like, this is what you're doing for the week and then it was a one and done. It was very much something that we continued to workshop together. And there was nothing that I ever took to you that was an issue or that you couldn't find a solution to, which was also really helpful. Cause for me, it was so overwhelming. Like I said, I've never been someone who's had a great relationship with food and I've never had a great relationship with my body until we started working together.

Now, Bec, you, I don't know whether saying specialize is the right word, correct me if I'm wrong, but you have always trained me using weights. So I would call, is that strength and conditioning?

Bec Gibbs (08:58.772)

Strength, yeah, strength training.

Ash Butterss (08:59.282)

Yeah. And I know a lot of women who are scared of weights because they don't want to get bulky. So can you help explain why strength training is so fantastic for not only losing weight, but also toning the body for women specifically.

Bec Gibbs (09:18.036)


That's a whole misconception that if you pick up a dumbbell that you're going to get muscly and turn into a man. It's very old school. And I guess back in the day, that's what, you know, weights was scary for women, but also it's a bit whole lot of unknown for women though. It's so important to be doing weights because you're going to build up strength and this is strength. This is great for moms because you've got to think you've got to pick up a baby and do your, you know, go about your life, carry your groceries, all that sort of stuff. So having the strength.

important but also for injury prevention as well. You'll find unfortunately as we get older you start to get lower back pain, you get hip pain, you get knee pain, all this sort of stuff. If we build and work on our strength and you work on those muscles you're actually going to be less likely to have those sort of injuries and also be able to overcome them. But that toned look that everyone is looking for is muscles. So as you get older unfortunately we do have a little bit more skin.

It does become a little bit looser and it's good to have the muscles there because it's just going to give you that toned look That just makes us feel confident as well

Ash Butterss (10:29.65)

Yes, so it's okay. And now tell me what about protein? Because that was the other thing that I was a little bit like, I don't know, is protein just going to make me stack on all this muscle and get heavier?

Bec Gibbs (10:43.124)

So protein is actually the secret and I feel like you did get addicted to the Yo Pro ice creams, didn't you? The protein ice creams.

Ash Butterss (10:52.434)

I'm still addicted. It's a real thing.

Bec Gibbs (10:55.38)


They're actually delicious. Protein is so important. I think back to your food and a lot of us women, it did start in high school, our food and our body issues about not eating. And what would happen is if we don't have protein in our body, we are craving energy. And for some reason, carbs are so good and there's nothing wrong with carbs. But our first answer is pack of chips, pack of lollies, all that sort of stuff.

But if we fuel our body with protein, it's going to give us more energy. It's going to help us with recovery, helps with our mind, helps with our hair, skin, muscles, everything. Protein's so important. And that is the one thing I feel like people don't have enough protein, but can actually help you lose weight, stop the binge eating. And I guess then that goes on to having a better relationship with our body as well.

Ash Butterss (11:55.762)

Yeah. Okay. So on protein, can you perhaps make a few recommendations? Or what are some, maybe we'll do like one breakfast, one lunch, one dinner. What are three sort of easy accessible sources of protein that you could incorporate on a daily basis?

Bec Gibbs (12:12.756)

So I know you do love your sugar -free granola with your high protein yogurt. So your Yo Pro, which is a great source. I personally love to have protein oats, which is not for everyone. I just feel that's quick and easy for me to have. And that's already 20 grams of protein you've got. Lunch. See, I'm in my, I absolutely love lasagna. So I have a healthy lasagna recipe, putting some minced chicken.

Ash Butterss (12:16.402)

Mm -hmm.

Bec Gibbs (12:41.812)

Salmon tuna all that sort of stuff is a great to have as your base for your protein for lunch I do personally recommend having some protein for afternoon tea just to stop with the binge eating At the moment. I'm a massive fan of protein water because it has a lot of collagen in it which is again great for the hair nails skin all that sort of stuff and I'm at the stage now that I can't really have protein shakes anymore. So protein water is great Or a yogurt something like that

afternoon tea and then dinner I always have a full I'm I can I say I'm 40 and I'm sick of protein shakes

Ash Butterss (13:13.81)

Why not protein shakes, Beck?

Ash Butterss (13:21.842)

Yes, you can! This is the place for honesty! That's so good to hear!

Bec Gibbs (13:30.868)

We were like protein shakes were pushed down our throats, normal milky ones, for such a long period of time and so if I've been going to the gym for 22 years imagine having a protein shake for 22 years every day.

Ash Butterss (13:42.707)

I'm sorry.

Thanks a lot.

Bec Gibbs (13:48.884)

Mix it with protein water. It is a newer thing, but it's like if you like cordial and it's sweet. It gives you like a sweetness for your afternoon tea. So I'm on that protein water train at the moment.

Ash Butterss (14:03.315)

Awesome. And I mean, this might sound like a silly question. So pardon me, but does that actually fill you up or should you have that with something else?

Bec Gibbs (14:13.524)

It doesn't, I feel like it doesn't fill you up. I would have that with something else for your afternoon tea, like.

Just it helps stop the urges for the binge eating and for the lollies and you know where we always go down that spiral We're just going to have two biscuits, but we have the whole packet So the protein shake is great because it does give you the protein a lot of the protein waters have 20 grams of protein in it So you can have that with like carrots some homestead Some fruit you can I love them bags with the mini scotch fingers. I'm on them at them

Ash Butterss (14:26.835)


Bec Gibbs (14:50.806)

So pairing something that you love like that with your protein shake, you're not going to eat over and over.

Ash Butterss (14:54.579)


Ash Butterss (14:59.22)

That makes sense. So rather than eating the whole packet, you can still enjoy one or two of the thing you love, but then you're also getting the protein element, which then helps with the hunger and maybe then prevents you from binging later at night as well. That's a really good suggestion. So Beck, I find that a lot of my clients, let me rephrase, I very rarely do I ever meet a woman who says, I love my body and I wouldn't change a thing.

Bec Gibbs (15:10.196)


Ash Butterss (15:29.012)

In fact, I could count that less than on one hand, often, more often what comes out of their mouth is I'd like to lose a few kilos. So there's always that need to just want to shift a little bit. You know, maybe, maybe five kilos seems to be a common number, five to 10, maybe. What would you advise for somebody who's just wanting to shift those five kilos that always seem to be

Bec Gibbs (15:47.38)


Ash Butterss (15:58.387)

the most stubborn.

Bec Gibbs (16:02.484)

So I feel like and it's so such everyone's journey is so different, right? But the quickest, I shouldn't say the quickest, the easiest thing to implement is your walking. I feel like walking is so underestimated.

People don't realize the value of walking and how it can change so many aspects. If you walked every day, it would actually help the, your mindset shift. So you have that, you start to feel better about yourself. You're actually also less likely when you do do form of exercise to eat.

I hate the word unhealthy, but I guess overeating. You're less likely to overeat the wrong food because you've exercised and there's been numerous studies about that. So I think implementing walking, especially starting your day, even if you walk around the house and do a thousand steps and just get yourself going, that'll make a massive difference. But I guess the blanket rule would be, I would say for my clients is walk for 30 minutes a day.

incorporate some sort of workout in your life. So it might be Pilates or yoga at home or going to the gym or getting a few weights and doing a 30 minute circuit at home. The biggest thing is reviewing your protein though and your actual food itself because often we don't actually realize how much of the

I'm not going to say wrong food, but high calorie food that we don't really realize are that, and we don't have enough protein. So it's like this never ending cycle that we go on where we diet in the morning and then in the afternoon we binge and then we give up because we've already eaten the wrong food. So I think having a good meal plan or understanding how nutrition works. And I think the easiest way is if you can hit a hundred

Bec Gibbs (17:58.982)

120 grams of protein, I'm going to say on average per day, you're going to set yourself up for success. So I think just making those small changes is probably the biggest or the easiest way to see results. So walking, reviewing your food and your protein and doing some small exercise at home. It doesn't have to be hours though.

Ash Butterss (18:14.132)


Ash Butterss (18:23.315)

Mm. That's so true. I love that 30 minutes a day. Should we tell them the QP mayo story?

Do you remember when I was, so I was doing my food tracking with Beck and I would put Kewpie mayo, that Japanese mayo in and I just remember you messaging me saying, fuck, I just can't let this one slide. It is such high caloric value. Like Ash, I don't think you understand. And then when you explained it to me, one tablespoon, how many calories versus if I would have used the light option, I was just like, when I saw the numbers in front of me, I was horrified.

That still makes me laugh to this day though.

Bec Gibbs (19:02.548)

I feel like we don't track sources. I feel like I have such a thing about sources and it's from my clients, but we don't track sources. We just re -pour them and we're like, it doesn't count because it's liquid. I think that yeah, a light mayo will save you. I actually do think of you though, whenever I open a cup and I see the mayo, any sort of mayo, I do think of you.

Ash Butterss (19:21.074)

It's been a great...

Ash Butterss (19:31.86)

I'm glad that's the impression that I've learned. So let's talk about, I'd love to actually ask you, what's your vibe on fasting? That's not something we ever really discussed, because you always just provided me with breakfast, lunch and dinner, and I was very consistent with what you would provide for me. I followed it quite closely. But I have heard a lot of people advocate it for it. I've also heard a lot of people say it's great for men, not women. Like, what's your opinion on fasting?

Bec Gibbs (19:35.028)


Bec Gibbs (20:01.172)

club fasting but not for those reasons. The research has proved that it does, fasting makes no difference. So my personal thing is I would not survive that long without having food. So it blows my mind that anyone else could.

There's no research to prove that it is beneficial for men, women at all. The whole point of fasting is to lose weight quicker. You're not getting an advantage. So I do have some clients that don't really like breakfast and that's fine. If you want to wait a little bit to eat, that doesn't really matter. I just feel like energy wise and to stop binge eating, it is good to have something. But if you don't want to have breakfast, don't have breakfast.

you're not winning the weight loss race by fasting. It makes no difference. It's your overall 24 hour, how many calories you have versus how many calories you burn or the energy that you use. So there's no point fasting and then it gets to five o 'clock and then you eat 5 ,000 calories because...

it's yeah it goes off your overall for the whole day what you've had so my hats off to people that come fast i personally can't i don't it's not that i don't believe in it but i just think if you're not really benefiting either

Ash Butterss (21:22.259)

That then brings me to my next question then, which is what should I eat before and after a workout? So let's start with the after because with fasting, I kind of thought if I trained in the morning and then I didn't consume protein after I'd worked out, then I was kind of not getting the ultimate bang for my buck in regards to building muscle and strength. Now I've just kind of made that up. I could be totally off the mark, but I'd love to know what do you recommend in terms of

what to eat before and after training.

Bec Gibbs (21:54.74)

Okay, so before is my biggest pet peeve. And if you don't eat, I don't know that we can't be friends. If you don't eat before you train. I have as a trainer that I actually can't even tell you the times that I know straight away if a client hasn't eaten and the amount of times that clients have passed out.

pretty much in front of me because they haven't eaten. Just the energy levels, I just see the color change. I must have some sort of trauma. So when I just, you have to eat before you try. Don't do that as a trainer, please don't do it. I think that it does go down to each person. I personally like to eat, I feel fine if I've eaten beforehand. Definitely not a big large milky coffee is not ideal. But having something in your stomach to give you the energy. If you are training in the

morning but haven't eaten since 7pm the night before, you burn energy wheat while you sleep. So you're not really maximising your results and working on your strength if you don't have that energy. So I think it is based on personal preference. Half a banana, some rice cakes with peanut butter, just something little carb is great just to give you that little bit of energy to maximise your workout.

your workout I do recommend protein as a part of the meal so if you have a protein water protein shake some yogurt something like that but that's more for recovery point of view so if you do have the protein it's going to help the muscles recover a lot faster again it's going to give you more energy as well so it doesn't have to be this you know I see some people on Instagram that they go and they have like

this whole big pre -training I'm going to eat five croissants and whatever else just to maximize at the workout. It doesn't have to be like that. If your body can only take a small amount of food have that beforehand preferably carb based afterwards protein it's going to help with the recovery.

Ash Butterss (24:00.69)

Yeah, yeah, it's actually really interesting. I had never really thought about how important it was to eat beforehand, but that makes so much sense. Like my partner always eats before he trains and I'm like, I don't know. Maybe I should try that. Beck, what about sleep? Sleep is something that I think a lot of women, especially young moms really struggle with.

Bec Gibbs (24:09.556)


Ash Butterss (24:29.585)

And I know for me that when I haven't had a solid night's sleep, or maybe even if I'm getting to bed late and I have that decision to either set my alarm early to make sure I have time to go to the gym and train, but that then eats into the length of sleep I'm gonna be able to get. Like, you know, it might be the difference between getting six or seven hours sleep. What...

What's your recommendation? Is it more important to maintain good sleep quality and then try and train later in the day or on another day? Or do you think you should just have consistent days where you train and it's a non -negotiable?

Bec Gibbs (25:05.94)


I don't want to offend anyone and please don't take this personally. I think you need to really look at the bigger picture of what is stopping you from sleep. So if it's stopping you from sleeping because you're scrolling on TikTok and threads and Instagram and it's just mindless, that's what's keeping you awake at night, then definitely that needs to stop and that's a no excuse. That's you need to get up and go to the gym. Sounds very Kim Kardashian of me, but you need to get up.

up and go to the gym and work. I think that that is you putting in roadblocks to your own what you want to achieve, right?

I think though if you are a new mom or if you've got kids or if you know a family member is generally unwell or you're under a really stressful time at work and that is what's keeping you up and it's an actual real distraction then sleep is going to be more important because if you need to be on the next day then it's pointless you being tired and going to the gym being tired like no amount of coffee is going to fix that and give that energy back so I think it's having that real

Conversation with yourself is a you just saying you're tired as an excuse or is what's going on around you actually affecting you But I think what you also said about setting your days. I think that it's really important to plan ahead and I'm a massive Advocate to being prepared is what equals success. So if you look at your week and you go right Monday I've got back -to -back meetings. I've got all this stuff going on with the kids. I've got whatever else Monday is out fine, then you know

Bec Gibbs (26:51.574)

that you go Tuesday and then you pick your days looking at your whole week calendar rather than saying I'm gonna start tomorrow and knowing that that's not really gonna happen because you know what you just give up after that because you feel like you've let yourself down.

Ash Butterss (27:05.745)

So okay, in a perfect world, how often should I be training? If there was nothing else getting in the way, what do you think would be an ideal week? What would that look like?

Bec Gibbs (27:21.812)

I feel like four sessions a week is perfect because I've been, when I was a bodybuilder, obsessed with training and I know that if you train every day what that does to your mind, it does turn into if you don't train you feel guilty and then it's almost like the food cycle of when you feel bad because you haven't exercised and I feel like four days is perfect as women, most of us work or have kids and that's like how it takes up

of our lives I feel like four is the perfect balance between not going over the top still getting results and I think that that's enough.

Ash Butterss (28:02.929)

Hmm. And what about if I love, you know, for me, this is, this is a real life example, yoga, for instance. So like, I know I have my yoga practice that I want to try and get to at least once or twice a week. Do you recommend doing that on the days that you're not strength training or can they swap out? Like how does it all fit in?

Bec Gibbs (28:12.852)


Bec Gibbs (28:24.052)

So I am a massive believer in strength training and I do feel like if you love strength training then four is perfect and then you can swap in you know one or two yogas or your Pilates with that as long as you're not overdoing it. I feel like they do work together quite well.

Otherwise if you love yoga and pilates and you're not the biggest strength training person, 3 times a week of strength training is fine and then you can have your 2 -3 yoga and pilates. I do feel like you've got to do what works for you and there's no point saying go to the gym 5 days a week but you actually want to do yoga 5 days a week.

Ash Butterss (29:04.306)

Yeah, that's true. It's also about finding what movement works for you, what you enjoy doing, because if you enjoy doing it, you're more likely to go. But I will also say on that, that it's good to try things that maybe you haven't tried before, because I didn't think that I was really much of a strength girl. And since our time together, like I still go to the gym now, and that's my main form of exercise. And I find that it keeps me strong and

then I make time for my yoga practice, which is more about really actually connecting with my body and having more of a spiritual experience anyway. Whereas the strength training I do really find, I see results. And I think that when you start to see results, that really keeps you motivated to want to continue achieving those results and continue showing up for yourself. And that kind of ties into my next question, Bec. What do you recommend?

for maintaining motivation and consistency with a workout routine. Cause I feel like, and this is the reason I'm coming back to you for another Kick Up The Bum, like I can be motivated for a period of time. And then, my goodness, once I fall off, it's so hard to get back into the swing of things.

Bec Gibbs (30:11.956)

I think.

So I guess this is where I love my job is because I see myself as everyone's fitness best friend. Like we're going to the gym together. We're on this journey together. So I do feel like you probably, we're all motivated to do some things and the gym might not be so much. And sometimes you do need someone to hold your hand just to get you back in there and feel good about yourself. Cause I know that once you get back into it, you'll feel great and you'll be like, why did I stop doing this in the first place? It's sometimes,

You need someone to give you that kick up the bun to get going I'm blessed because after you would hope 22 years that you find that motivation is I know if I go to the gym I'm gonna feel so much better about Everything not just my body, but my mindset changes as well But I do feel like we underestimate the power of having a trainer Just to help get us back in there and be that friend that's on our side because unfortunately our partners probably do let us

get away with a little bit because they all think that we are we look great and we are perfect. Sometimes you just need that third party just to give you that little bit of push in the right direction just to remind you of how good it feels.

Ash Butterss (31:18.385)


You make such a good point there, Beck, that it really is, I think, 50 % about the physical body and then 50 % about the emotional body and the impact that exercise has on our mental health. You know, we all know the studies and the statistics that show the increase in dopamine and, you know, that's our feel -good hormone. But there's something deeper for me, which comes back to the consistency pace where

When I'm showing up for myself regularly, the subconscious messaging is you're worthy, you're lovable, you're enough. And I'm showing that in my actions in showing up for myself where, you know, on the flip side, when I'm not showing up for myself and I do start to let those habits slip and it does seem to be a slippery slope. Like I really identified with what you said before about when you train, you make better food choices. Like I trained this morning and so

before we jumped on this call, I had one of those protein bars that you would get me to eat rather than going for, you know, a piece of chocolate or, you know, a bag of chips or not that we have chips in the house, but you know, like I just would have, I think, you know, cheese was always my weak spot, like cheese and crackers, which is not, you know, necessarily the worst thing, but, and I, if I hadn't had trained, I would have probably made that choice, but because I trained, I also, and this is a funny psychological thing that happens to me is,

I feel less guilty about eating protein, even though I know I should be eating protein no matter what. I find that when I train in the morning, I'll eat a protein bar and I won't, psychologically it's an easier decision for me. So yeah, I definitely think I show up better in all areas of my life when I can prioritize fitness and moving my body. Is that the same for you?

Bec Gibbs (33:17.204)

100%. I feel like, and you're obviously aware that unfortunately my mum passed away five weeks ago. And honestly, I experienced when my dad passed away, which would have been 14 years ago, I was probably not quite where I am now with myself. I was still doing bodybuilding, but I just didn't have the same love for myself that I do now. And can I say that, you know, every journey is so different with people.

loved ones pass away but for me the only thing that got me through was the gym and it had nothing to do with what my body was going to look like it was that mental thing that I still was doing something for myself and I was proving to myself that I was still a strong capable woman as well and I feel like it it's like any things that happen in our life it is the gym and your workout is your one safe place to go where it doesn't actually matter what else

is going on around us. It just resets our mind and puts us back on track and like you said you get those good endorphins going and sure everything might still be a mess once you leave the gym but just giving yourself that break and that time out to get yourself going again I just feel it just does wonders for us as women and how we feel about ourselves.

Ash Butterss (34:43.697)

So true, that is such a beautiful message and a beautiful place to leave this conversation here today. Bec, I just wanna say from the bottom of my heart, thank you so, so much, not just for your time today, but for the huge impact you've made in my life and the life of thousands of other women. If people wanna be able to track you down and find out more, perhaps how they can work with you, where should they go?

Bec Gibbs (35:07.604)

Instagram is the best place. I love a DM so please slide in. I love chatting about any questions at all, which is bec gibbs fitness. Ask any questions, love to chat to all the women.

Ash Butterss (35:19.473)

I'll make sure I put those episode show notes in there and I will be seeing you very very soon. Thanks so much once again back

Bec Gibbs (35:29.332)



Ep. 7 Embodying Your Feminine Power: What It Really Means to Connect with Yourself


Ep. 5 Sharing my Engagement Story and Why Your Self-Worth is Everything!